Android apps by UNCOPT LLC

Duo File Manager Character Codes Picture Frame Download Times Donations

DuoFM   **free**
Duo Holo File Manager w/ Root

DuoFM is a file manager for android. It's like Finder on a Mac or Explorer on Windows. It has all the features you can expect from a file manager. It gives access to all the files on the device (including system files when rooted). Free plugins also enable access to files stored on cloud services, on the local network or on ftp servers.

There are two key points that separates this application from the other file manager.

For a complete list of the features of the app, we have videos on our YouTube channel.

Character Codes

Character Codes provides reference lists for ascii and unicode characters with their codes (decimal, hexa) and HTML entity names (when applicable). You can quickly find the character you are looking for by browsing through pre-made categories, the sorted list, or by creating your own list. There are two grid sizes available.

Picture Frame  **free**

Picture Frame is a gesture-based image viewer. It supports very high resolution pictures. You can zoom on details up to the original image quality. Both pinch-zoom and double-tap-and-drag zoom (on kitkat) are supported. A double tap auto-fits the image to the screen size. The image can be rotated. It can also be saved to the device internal storage.

Download Times  **free**

Download Times helps you estimate download and upload times for various file sizes. You can select a specific bandwidth, or let the app measure it if the transfer has already been started. The graphical interface is fully adaptive and offers nice animations.


If you appreciate our work and want to help us by making a donation, this app allows you to do so. The application offers a nice and animated interface, and donations are very easy, as they use Google Play in-app purchases.